Thursday, May 23, 2019

VAR13: Group Exhibition at Westpol Airspace

Photo documentation of video work Fluctuation at the opening on 10th Mai 2019.

, 2019
Digital video. Stereo sound
4:42 min.

Exhibition with Jessica Arseneau, Leila Brinkmann, Marlene Franz, Felix Grabe, Friedrich Jacob Günther, Taemen Jung, Leonard Korbus, Lisa Kottkamp, Anna Raczynska, Snow, Malte Urban, Andrea Garcia Vasquez


<var>: The variable. It can be a value, a set of data, a number, the measurement of changing criteria over a course of time. Objects vary in size, the lights on screens vary in brightness, our mood and the weather may also vary from day to day.

What if, for instance, the variabilities in nature and climate are surpassing their extremities? Or on the contrary, what if there is no longer a predictable spectrum within which the extremities of nature and climate currently exist?

Nature and its order continue to experience the detrimental disruption due to the industrial revolution. Through the exhaustion and depletion of resources, the earth is going through an ecological debt and its ability to be regenerated is dramatically plummeting every year. The apocalypse has been fantasized since centuries through fiction writing, art, and the new testament. However, the more ecologists and environmentalists discover about our planets current state, the clearer it becomes that this prophecy could actually occur. Can we put our faith into bioengineering? Can nature and its variables be reprogrammed? Will this apocalypse be something we may actually witness?

VaR13 is a play on the words “Value at Risk” while utilizing the stigma of the number 13. As the title for the group exhibition from Fachklasse Blank, it establishes discourse around our future at risk. Taking place inside of a church, VAR13 displays works by various artists who are investigating the relationships between nature and art as well as image and productivity. It is a collection of artworks exploring visual fictions, visual prophecies, and visual realities in our current state of variable possibilities.

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